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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

windbg init script

There are a couple of commands that I always run every time I start up windbg and it just dawns on me that perhaps it's time to put these commands to the script and have windbg execute it automatically.

So in this post, let me show you how to do that.
First, create a file that will contain all the commands that you would like to run.
For this example, let me create a file called 'dbg-prep.cmd'

C:\Users\ilhoye\Desktop\WinDbg> type dbg-prep.cmd
.load mex
.load kdexts
aS !pr !process

Once we have this, we can just launch windbg with '-c' option. '-c' is a command to execute when windbg starts up but for our case, we want to execute several command and that is why I created a script in the first place.
To do that, we still use '-c' option but now this time we want to provide file path as follows.

windbg.exe -c "$$>< C:\Users\ilhoye\Desktop\WinDbg\dbg-prep.cmd

Please note that '-c' option needs to be quoted like the above.
Of course, it is cumbersome to type all these so it would be best to create a shortcut for this and in fact, as for me here is my shortcut command which also specifies the connection for kernel debugging.

"C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)\windbg.exe" -k 1394:channel=2 -c "$$>< C:\Users\ilhoye\Desktop\WinDbg\dbg-prep.cmd"

You can also add arguments to the script and for more information, please refer to msdn.


  1. In my script I just have a few .sympath+ and .srcpath+ lines. But for each line, I got an error: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect". Do you know what I have missed?

    In addition, I also like to add .reload and .ecxr if I can.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Need add double quotation for the path.
      .sympath+ "D:\myPath"
